Dr. M. Sathiyaseelan
Assistant Professor
JOINING DATE : 11-07-2022

Faculty Personal and Academic Profile

Faculty Department Humanities and Sciences (H&S)
Faculty Name Dr. M. Sathiyaseelan
Professional Email sathiyaseelanmanisekar@gmail.com
Personal Email sathiyaseelanmanisekar@gmail.com
Registration Number
Teaching / Work Experience
Teaching Achievements
Current Designation Assistant Professor
Area of Specialization organic chemistry
Joining Date 11-07-2022
Total Experience in this Institution 10 Months
Total Experience in other Institutions 63 Months
Specialized Skills
UG Qualifications B.Sc Graduation Year, University
A.V.C C0llege (Autonomous), Mannampandal, Tamilnadu
PG Qualifications 0 Graduation Year, University
2011, Government Arts College (Autonomous), Kumbakonam, Tamilnadu
PhD Qualifications Completed Graduation Year, University
2018, Bharathidasan university, trichy, Tamilnadu

Participation in Seminar / Workshop / Summer School / FDP/ any others

S.No Name of the Programme Title of the Event Organized by (College / University / Industry) Year Month Duration

Organized/Conducted the Seminar / Workshop / Conference / Summer School / FDP or any others.

S.No Name of the Programme Title of the Event Organized by (College / University / Industry) Year Month Duration