The Department of Humanities and Sciences plays a vital role in grooming the students in their basic knowledge of science and language. The department was established in 2002 with 14 teaching faculty. The department now has a strength of 48 members with wide ranging experience and professional qualifications. It offers courses in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and English. The department deals with Engineering Mathematics, Computational Mathematics, Advanced Calculus, Probability & Statistics, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Optimization Techniques for Structural Engineering, Environmental Studies, English language skills, Business Communication Skills and Soft Skills. Besides the theory papers, the first and the third year courses have language laboratories as a part of the curriculum to enable students to practice and hone their LSRW skills and resume preparation, group discussions, presentations and interview skills. Mathematics and English subjects are offered to the Second and the Third year B.Tech students also. The curriculum of I B.Tech offers courses in Mathematics, English language, Physics, and Chemistry. As majority of the subjects offered to first year students are from H&S department, this department takes care of all the first year students, while dealing with the II & III year subjects.
Being the supportive department, H&S plays a constructive role in development of the organization. The department is strengthened by qualified and experienced Professors, Associate Professors in the fields of Mathematics, English, Physics and Chemistry. The faculty actively takes part in curricular, co-curricular and research activities. Writing textbooks, conducting and attending conferences, workshops, seminars and publishing research papers are some of the key activities the faculty are involved in. The department caters to the tastes and needs of students of various backgrounds. It provides an enriching and exhilarating atmosphere for students from heterogeneous backgrounds to live and study together in harmony so as to imbibe the spirit of cultural diversity and cosmopolitan outlook. The environment-friendly green campus is home to a wealth of computing facilities, laboratories and well-planned buildings, where they learn to work together in a congenial atmosphere. Spacious and well-equipped classrooms and laboratories inspire students to strive toward their academic excellence. Our students enjoy their participation in activities that range from cultural to professional clubs which foster holistic development. The college provides the best possible creative environment for the students to get transformed into global entities. Besides curricular activities, the department guides and prepares students for the following co-curricular and extra-curricular programs.
Co- curricular Activities
· Workshops
· Seminars
· National level annual paper presentation contests
· Industrial visits
· CRT programs and special training classes in the summer break.
· Certification Courses – BEC and OUP
Extra-curricular Activities
· NSS unit - Social service activities
· National Youth Day
· Celebrations
· 'Vishesh'- Engineers' Day Celebrations
· Club activities
· Foundation Day
· Annual Day
· ‘Akshara’ - The Annual National Techno Cultural Fest
· Graduation Day Ceremony & Alumni and Placement Day
· Sports Day
· Entrepreneurship development activities
· International Yoga Day
· Women’s Day
· Student Activity Center
· Career Guidance and Counselling
· Qualified and experienced faculty
· Spacious classrooms and well-furnished labs
· Faculty published over 30 books with national and international publishers (somebooks are prescribed at Universities like JNTU Ananthapur, West Bengal University,etc.)
· Faculty published 69 papers in national and international journals.
· Faculty participated in 96 national and international conferences.
· Faculty attended 83 FDPs
· Faculty attended 50 workshops and training programs
· Faculty secured over 18 achievements
· Faculty completed 34 NPTEL and Coursera courses
· The department organized 6 conferences, 12 FDPs and 12 workshops and 10 guest lectures

The department of Humanities and Sciences plays a vital role in grooming the students in their basic knowledge of science and language. This department was established in 2002 with 14 teaching faculty, Today it is expanded to 38, offering courses in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and English. The department deals with Mathematics-I, Mathematics-II, Mathematics-III, Mathematical Methods, Probability & Statistics, Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Computer Oriented Numerical Methods, Optimization Techniques for Structural Engineering, Applied Statistics, Optimization Techniques, Operations Research, Physics, Chemistry, Environmental Studies, English, Business Communication skills and Soft skills training programmes with emphasis on personality development.
Mining DepartmentStudent Chapter MEAI, MREC(A) and MEAI Hyderabad Chapter Organize a one day seminar, in association with Department of Mining Engineering, on EXPERIENCES AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR MINING ENGINEERS IN INDUSTRY, ACADEMIA & RESERCH on 8th Feb,2021 Venue : Mini Auditorium









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