Dr nepolraj
Assistant Professor
JOINING DATE : 11-09-2022

Faculty Personal and Academic Profile

Faculty Department Humanities and Sciences (H&S)
Faculty Name Dr nepolraj
Professional Email nepolraj436@gmail.com
Personal Email nepolraj436@gmail.com
Registration Number
Teaching / Work Experience
Teaching Achievements
Current Designation Assistant Professor
Area of Specialization Organic chemistry
Joining Date 11-09-2022
Total Experience in this Institution 10 Months
Total Experience in other Institutions 60 Months
Specialized Skills
UG Qualifications B.Sc Graduation Year, University
Government Arts College (autonomous), Kumbakonam,Tamilnadu
PG Qualifications M.Sc Graduation Year, University
2011, Government ArtsCollege (autonomous), Kumbakonam, Tamilnadu
PhD Qualifications Completed Graduation Year, University
2018, Government Arts College (autonomous), Kumbakonam,Tamilnadu

Participation in Seminar / Workshop / Summer School / FDP/ any others

S.No Name of the Programme Title of the Event Organized by (College / University / Industry) Year Month Duration

Organized/Conducted the Seminar / Workshop / Conference / Summer School / FDP or any others.

S.No Name of the Programme Title of the Event Organized by (College / University / Industry) Year Month Duration