Dr . J. Jenifer Steffi
Assistant Professor
JOINING DATE : 03-06-2024
JNTUH ID : 5319-240218-084417

Faculty Personal and Academic Profile

Faculty Department Humanities and Sciences (H&S)
Faculty Name Dr . J. Jenifer Steffi
Professional Email
Personal Email drjenifersteffi@gmail.com
Registration Number 5319-240218-084417
Teaching / Work Experience
I began my teaching journey at SRM University, Ramapuram campus, where I dedicated two years to nurturing students' learning. Subsequently, I transitioned to Jeppiaar University, where I continued to contribute for one year, further upskilling my teaching experience.
Other Achievements
List of publications: 1. A. Lourdusamy and J.Jenifer Steffi, ‘The 2t-pebbling property on the Zig-Zag Chain Graph of n odd cycles, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol.117, No.14, 2017, 2019- 218. (SCOPUS INDEXED) 2. A. Lourdusamy and J.Jenifer Steffi, ‘Pebbling on Zig-Zag chain graph of n odd cycles’, Proyecciones, Vol.38, No.3 (2019), 597-615.(SCI) 3. A. Lourdusamy and J.Jenifer Steffi, ‘GRAHAM’S CONJECTURE ON ZZn(C2k) _ G, Sciencia Acta Xaveriana, Vol. 9 No. 1, March 2018, pp. 01-08. 4. A. Lourdusamy and J.Jenifer Steffi, ‘ Herscovici’s Conjecture on ZZn(C2k) _ G’, Sciencia Acta Xaveriana, Vol. 10 No. 1, pp. 27-32, March 2019. 5. A. Lourdusamy and J.Jenifer Steffi, THE PEBBLING NUMBER OF ZIG-ZAG CHAIN GRAPH OF EVEN CYCLES, Sciencia Acta Xaveriana, Volume 8, No. 1, pp. 49-62, March 2017. 6. A. Lourdusamy and J.Jenifer Steffi, t- pebbling on ZIG-ZAG CHAIN GRAPH OF EVEN CYCLES, Sciencia Acta Xaveriana, Volume 8, No. 1, pp. 1 -100, March 2017. 7. A. Lourdusamy and J.Jenifer Steffi, Lourdusamy’s Conjecture on 〖ZZ〗_n (C_2k×G), AIP Conferences Proceedings, Vol 114, No 4, Apr, 2020.(SCOPUS INDEXED) 8. A. Lourdusamy and J.Jenifer Steffi, ‘Cvering Cover Rubbling’, Studies in Indian Places Names, Vol 23, no 2, 2020. (UGC Approved) 9. A. Lourdusamy, S. Saratha Nellainayaki J. Jenifer Steffi, Pebbling on middle graph of complete binary tree, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, Vol 125, No 1, 2019.(SCOPUS INDEXED).
Teaching Achievements
Current Designation Assistant Professor
Area of Specialization Graph Pebbling
Joining Date 03-06-2024
Total Experience in this Institution 1 Months
Total Experience in other Institutions 3 Years
Specialized Skills
UG Qualifications B.Sc Graduation Year, University
Manonmaniam sundharanar University, Tirunelveli
PG Qualifications 0 Graduation Year, University
2015, Manonmaniam sundharanar University, Tirunelveli
Any Other PG Qualifications Mphil Graduation Year, University
2016, Manonmaniam sundharanar University, Tirunelveli
PhD Qualifications Completed Graduation Year, University
2021, Manonmaniam sundharanar University, Tirunelveli

Participation in Seminar / Workshop / Summer School / FDP/ any others

S.No Name of the Programme Title of the Event Organized by (College / University / Industry) Year Month Duration

Organized/Conducted the Seminar / Workshop / Conference / Summer School / FDP or any others.

S.No Name of the Programme Title of the Event Organized by (College / University / Industry) Year Month Duration