Assoc Professor
JOINING DATE : 01-08-2024
JNTUH ID : 4269-230413-163253

Faculty Personal and Academic Profile

Faculty Department Humanities and Sciences (H&S)
Faculty Name Dr.CH.Giridhar
Professional Email giridharsvu@gmail.com
Personal Email giridharsvu@gmail.com
Registration Number 4269-230413-163253
Teaching / Work Experience
1 Present working as an Associate Professor in Chemistry, the Dept of Chemistry for Mall Reddy Engineering College (MREC)Autonomous, Main Campus,Hyderabad, during the period 2024 August to till date. 2 Present working as an Assistant Professor in Chemistry, the Dept of Basic Sciences for Malla Reddy Engineering College and Management Science, Hyderabad, during the period 2023 Jan to July 2024. 3 Present working as an Associate Professor in Chemistry, the Dept of Basic Sciences &Humanities for Sri Venkateshwara College of Engineering, Nellore, during the period 2020 to 2023. 4 Worked as an Associate Professor in Chemistry, the Dept. of Freshman Engineering (FED) for Audisankara College of Engineering & Technology (Autonomous), Gudur, during the period 2015 to 2019. 5 Worked as Assistant Professor in Chemistry for Narayana Engineering College (Autonomous), Gudur, during the period 2011to 2014. 6 Worked as Senior Lecturer in Chemistry for Krishna Teja Degree& P.G. College, Tirupati, during the period 2008 to 2010. 7 Worked as Lecturer in Chemistry for Sri Chandra Reddy Degree College, Nellore, during the period 2002 to 2007. 8 LifememberofNESALM.No.491(National Environmental Science Academy),New Delhi. 9 LifememberofISTELM.No.105676(Indian Society for Technical Education),New Delhi. 10 Life member of ISAS(Indian Society of Analytical Scientists),Hyderabad-Chapter,India. 11 Member of ACS(American Chemical Society)MemberID:33100137,USA. 12 0000-0002-2740-9338-https://orcid.org/
Other Achievements
1 Received “KARUR GOPALAKRISHNAN MEMORIAL”award for securing FIRST RANK in M.Sc. for the year 2001.
Teaching Achievements
1. C.Giridhar,S.Kanchi,T.Niranjan,N.VenkatasubbaNaidu,“ThepolarographicstudyofCobalt(II)-dithiocarbamatecomplexesatDME” InternationalJournalofChemicalandAnalyticalScience,5(1):pp 24-32, 2014. 2. C. Giridhar, S. Kanchi, T. Niranjan, B. Ramachandra, N.V.S. Naidu “Trace determinationofchromium(VI)inindustrialeffluentsandagriculturalmaterialsby using dc polarography” International Journal of Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 4(1): pp 7-14, 2014. 3. C.Giridhar,S.Kanchi,T.Niranjan,N.VenkatasubbaNaidu,“Dithiocarbamates as selective Ligands for Polarographic Study of Manganese(II) at DME” ChemSci Trans,3(2):pp 778-790, 2014 DOI:10.7598/cst2014.784 4. C. Giridhar, S. Kanchi, T. Niranjan, N.V.S. Naidu, “The polarographic study of Ni(II)-dithiocarbamates complexes at DME” J. Environ Anal Chem 1: 108 2014, DOI: 10.4172/jreas.1000108 5. C. Giridhar, T. Niranjan, N.V.S. Naidu, “Simple Catalytic Currents at DME for TraceAmountsofCerium(IV)inWaterSamples”,ChemSciTrans,2(3):pp 983- 991,2013.DOI:10.7598/cst2013.392 6. C.Giridhar,A.Varaprasad,N.V.S.Naidu,“PolarographicStudyofCerium(IV)- Antipyrine Complexes at DME in Various Water Samples”, Asian J. Chem, 25(18): pp 10207-10211, 2013. 7. B. Ramachandra, K.Sivarami Reddy,Ch. Giridhar, K. Vinod Kumar, N.Venkatasubba Naidu, “Spectrophotometric Method for the Determination of Furazolidone In Pharmaceutical Formulations and Human Blood Samples withBPB”,World Journal of Pharmacy and PharmaceuticalSciences,6(4):pp 1074- 1086, 2015. 8. K. Suvardhan,C. Giridhar, Deepali Sharma, Phumlane Selby Mdlulli, Krishna Bisetty, Venkatasubba Naidu Nuthalapati, Myalowenkosi Innocent Sabela, “Dithiocarbamate Induced Catalytic HydrogenWave for the determination ofIron(II) in Waters and Leafy Vegetables: Experimental and Computational Approach”,Int.J.Electrochem.Sci.,11(2016)8027–8045,doi: 10.20964/2016.09.53 9. NiranjanThndavada,GiridharChembeti, Gan.G. Redhi and Venkatasubba Naidu Nuthalapati, “Investigation of Electrochemical Behaviour of Chromium(VI)- dithiocarbamate Complexes Detection of Chromium(VI) in Real Samples”, orienjchem.org,34(2018)675-682, doi:10.1305/ojc/340209. 10. NiranjanThondavada,SuvardhanKanchi,GiridharChembeti,BisettyKrishnaand Venkatasubba Naidu Nuthalapati, “Studies on Electrochemical Behaviour of Copperr(II)-Dithiocarbamate Complexes at DME:Applications to EnvironmentalandBiologiclSamples”,AsianjournalofChemistry;Vol.29,No.3(2017),609- 613. 11. BSupraja,CGiridhar,NVenkatasubbaNaidu,“AnalyticalMethodDevelopment and Validation Description for Quantitative Assessment of ChlorbenzuronbyHPLCProcedure”,ijsr;Vol10,No.9(2021),856-861.
Current Designation Assoc Professor
Area of Specialization Electroanalytical Chemistry
Joining Date 01-08-2024
Total Experience in this Institution 1 Months
Total Experience in other Institutions 22 Years
Specialized Skills
Electroanalytical Chemistry
UG Qualifications B.Sc Graduation Year, University
PG Qualifications M.Sc Graduation Year, University
Any Other PG Qualifications M Phil Graduation Year, University
PhD Qualifications Completed Graduation Year, University

Participation in Seminar / Workshop / Summer School / FDP/ any others

S.No Name of the Programme Title of the Event Organized by (College / University / Industry) Year Month Duration

Organized/Conducted the Seminar / Workshop / Conference / Summer School / FDP or any others.

S.No Name of the Programme Title of the Event Organized by (College / University / Industry) Year Month Duration